To facilitate the electronic exchange of data and documents between administrations and public entities within the framework of an administrative procedure and with the aim of making effective the right of citizens not to provide documents that are already in the possession of the Public Administrations, the AOC Consortium offers the Catalog of Interoperable Data and Documents in Catalonia through the Via Oberta service.

In the Catalog you will find, distinguished by areas of data providers, the different data that can be consulted as part of an administrative action and that are made available to the Catalan Public Administrations by the organizations providing the data. All information properly classified by lenders is available in the “ Via Oberta Service Letters ”.

The different services of Via Oberta can be consumed both through EACAT screens and through integration with web services (either with the requesting body's own systems or with its own tools).  

Below are the steps to follow to consume the Via Oberta service for EACAT screens:  

Identify the associated Via Oberta procedures and service

Once a procedure has been identified for which there is a need to consult data held by other Public Administrations, it is necessary to consult the Catalog of Available Services to determine which Via Oberta services should be requested .  

In the Via Oberta service of the AOC website (section "Request the service") you will find the Catalog of data and documents currently available .  

For each Via Oberta service, a specific Service Letter is available detailing all the information relating to the service, the different data query modalities, the information that can be obtained and how to carry out the queries. However, there are examples of use cases that can be very useful.  

The service cards can be consulted on the Open Way Portal, distinguished by areas of data providers:

Adherence to the Interoperability Framework Convention

In the case of local administrations and entities that depend on them , for access to the data consultation of the catalog of data and documents it is necessary to adhere to the Interoperability Framework Agreement (CMI), or to have signed an agreement of collaboration with the AOC Consortium.

The steps to adhere to the Interoperability Framework Agreement are detailed below , which must be attached to the corresponding section of the Via Oberta service request form.  

In the case of an organization of the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya , adherence to the aforementioned Agreement is not necessary. The request for access to the data provided by the Via Oberta service of the AOC must be made through PICA, which manages the Innovation and Digital Administration Branch (SIAD). You must contact the SIAD via the email address

Request enrollment in Via Oberta services

Once you have identified the Via Oberta procedure and service to request according to the information in the first section, you must fill in and send the registration request found in EACAT/Catalog of procedures/Consortium AOC/AOC - Sol · request for services/ Request for services Via Oberta  

To complete the request, it is recommended to consult the document with the step-by-step instructions for completing the request form for the services of Via Oberta .  

This section highlights the most important points to consider for the processing of the authorization to access the data necessary for the identified procedure. Emphasizing what is essential for the issuers to authorize the consultation of the requested data and thus save future requirements on their part:  

legal framework

With regard to the data requested through the Platform of Intermediation of Data (services in the scope of the General Administration of the State), we remind you of the need to attach the publication or translation to the Spanish of both the applicable regulations and the form where the consent is collected.  

It is also necessary to emphasize that the issuers' current policy is not to accept generic regulations that do not expressly establish the data to be consulted, therefore the specific rule that regulates the specific procedure that requires the obtaining of the data or document that is intended to be consulted.  

Example : In the case of a call for a selective process where it is necessary to consult the applicant's data relating to qualifications, working life or the availability of a specific driver's license, etc.; the regulatory bases of this call will have to be provided, where the requested data is expressly stated . Otherwise it is regulated as a requirement in the provided rule, the request for authorization will be denied by the issuer.  


This can be " No opposition ", " Yes " or " Law ", you can consult each case in the document with step-by-step instructions for filling out the form.  

With regard to the application forms , it is essential that there is a " non-opposition " clause corresponding to the data query.

Finally, if you need to request several Via Oberta services for the same procedure, you only need to fill out a single form. Otherwise, it is necessary to complete one for each procedure.  

Once the documentation is received, it will be reviewed by the responsible areas of the AOC Consortium and the body's authorization will be processed to access the requested services. In the event that all the information, regulations and form are correct, as a general rule the issuers resolve the request within a maximum of fifteen working days.  

Once the consultation request has been authorized for any of Via Oberta's services, it will only be necessary for the Interoperability Manager of the entity to proceed with the assignment of the corresponding permissions to the user who must make the consultation, through of EACAT.  

Request enrollment in Via Oberta-AEAT services

Once the procedure and service of Via Oberta to be requested has been identified according to the information in the first section, the registration request must be filled out and sent beforehand, in the case of the AEAT there there is an indispensable requirement that must be fulfilled by the body: it is the assignment of a medium-level electronic seal in exclusivity for use of the AOC services. The inquiry how to do it can be found in the following link : How to request an Electronic Seal from the AOC.  

Once the electronic seal of the AOC has been requested and the download confirmed or in the case of having the certificate issued to the AOC , the following actions must be carried out :  

Once the documentation is received, it will be reviewed by the areas responsible for the Consortium AOC and will proceed to process the agency's authorization to access the services requested. In the event that all the information, regulations and form are correct, as a general rule the issuer solves the request in a time maximum of fifteen working days.

Assign permissions

Apart from the request by body described in the previous points, it is necessary that each user who has to make inquiries through the Via Oberta service has the corresponding permissions to access data from each Via Oberta service (AEAT, TGSS , DGP...) given that each of them requires a specific permit.  

These permissions must be assigned by the Interoperability Manager (RI) of each entity . On the home page of EACAT, there is information about who the Interoperability Manager of your organization is.  

Once assigned, each user will be able to check the permissions they have in Via Oberta, from EACAT/Configuration/My space/Via Oberta.  

Access requirements with digital certificate

In order to access the Via Oberta data query, the user's identity must be verified, by means of a public employee digital certificate from the corresponding administration .

The certificate used to access Via Oberta may be of medium signature level (e.g. T-CAT P ), or high (e.g. T-CAT ) as long as it is linked to the public administration for which the user wants to make the inquiry.  

It is not essential that the certification service provider be the AOC Consortium, as long as it is a public administration employee certificate.  

Therefore, access to the Via Oberta service CANNOT be obtained with :  

  • A idCAT certificate, given that it is not a certificate that identifies the user as an employee of any public administration.  
  • Any certificate issued by other lenders who are not employees of a public administration, for the same reason as the previous point.  
  • A public employee certificate from an administration other than the one to which the user is attached to the EACAT platform, at the time of making the query.  
  • T-CAT of a pseudonym, given that the requirement to consult Via Oberta is that the person doing the consultation be identified and in this case, this is not the case.

Make individual inquiries

1. Access Via Oberta  

image with the VIAOBERT option of EACAT highlighted

2. You can search for the service by provider, procedure, topics or consult the entire catalog in detail:  

search engine and its options

3. Once the service in question has been accessed, you can see the available modalities, for example:

authorization modalities to consult the data or not

The user will have access to the queries for which we have authorization and if the user has been granted the corresponding permissions by the Interoperability Manager (if either of the two conditions is not met, a "forbidden" symbol that will not allow access to the query). In this case, it will be necessary to contact the Interoperability Manager of your institution in order to be assigned the permissions corresponding to the user.  

With regard to the service of the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) it is necessary to remember that it is essential that we have a valid certificate of medium level stamp issued exclusively for use of the services of the AOC , as as detailed in the section "Request registration for the services of Via Oberta-AEAT". This condition is required for the queries to run correctly, otherwise the queries will not work.  

4. All the information related to the different services offered by Via Oberta, both of the data that can be consulted and the methods of consultation, also of how to make the inquiries and the data that is obtained, is accessible in the service letters.