Sometimes the question arises as to whether it is permissible to consult data in the context of a different procedure from which we are authorized to consult it . It is important to note that if you do not have authorization to access specific data in a given procedure, you are not legally authorized to consult it, even if it is the same data that you have access to in another procedure.

In Via Oberta, requests for access to consultation modalities are requested by procedure. Therefore, consultation of a piece of data is only authorized within the framework of the requested procedure, not in a general manner.

In the event that you have authorization to consult certain data available in Via Oberta in a specific procedure and you need to consult the same data in the context of another procedure, you will need to submit a new request with the specific regulations of the corresponding procedure following the instructions in the FAQ - How do I apply for registration for Via Oberta services? – VIAOBERTA (