Below you will find the description of the service and help to fill out the application . Read them carefully!
Description | The service allows city councils (or supramunicipal entities to which they have delegated the management of the IVTM) to electronically submit data relating to this tax debt, for the current year and the previous year, to the DGT Vehicle Registry, which is supported by the ATMV platform. Therefore, it facilitates compliance with articles 97 and 99.3 of RDLeg 2/2004, which approves the Consolidated Text of the Law Regulating Local Taxes, and the Resolution of 9 July 2010 of the DGT on electronic communication to the Vehicle Registry of non-payment of the debt corresponding to the IVTM (this resolution came into force on 24/7/2010). |
Issuing body | Directorate General of Traffic (DGT). Ministry of the Interior |
Type of query | Manual: data consultation by the public employee, through the web frontend EACAT > Via Oberta. The management system is for LOTS. |
Automated: through web services (data query directly through the public entity's own information systems) | |
How to make inquiries | Consult the content DGT: municipal vehicle tax debtors (how to make inquiries) |
User type | The city councils or supramunicipal bodies to whom they have delegated the management of the IVTM. |
Prerequisites | To be a consumer of the service, it is necessary to take into account different aspects: Technical: if the data management is carried out manually, the public employee must be registered in EACAT and authorized to consume this service. Identification in EACAT must necessarily be carried out with a digital certification card (T-CAT or equivalent). If the management is carried out automatically, through Web Services, the information system that makes the calls to the service must sign them with the application certificate (CDA) of the administration responsible for the system; although the sending/consultation of data to the DGT will be carried out with the dgtCA certificate that the entity will have transferred to the AOC Consortium. |
Service request and required documentation | Service request: Local entities that wish to be users of the service must complete the request form for authorization to access the Debtors of the IVTM service, which is available on the Consortium website AOC (Home / Services / Via Oberta). If the Type of query option: 'Integration via Web Services' has been selected in the request, it is essential to also complete the Request form for integration into Via Oberta via web services. Documentation to be provided: Request form for authorization to access the service (and integration request form, if applicable), duly completed and signed electronically. |
Regulatory requirements for completing the application | Does not require |
Cost | It has no cost. |