You can learn how to make a query in Via Oberta by following the steps indicated in the self-learning tutorial available on Campus AOC.

In this FAQ we will delve into the most important aspects when making a data query through Via Oberta.

The modalities that you are authorized to use will appear with a star, which you can select to mark the query as a favorite. However, you will see a prohibited symbol if you are not authorized to access the query:

The prohibited symbol appears when the entity is not authorized by the AOC Consortium to consume the service or the entity's Interoperability Manager has not assigned the necessary permissions to the user who must access the service.

Therefore, if a user cannot access a Via Oberta service, despite being authorized by the Interoperability Manager of their entity, the following points must be reviewed:

  • The application documentation to request authorization for the service has been sent to the AOC Consortium so that it can manage the authorization to be able to make inquiries about this service at Via Oberta
  • Confirmation of registration for the requested service has been received.

When the service is requested from the AOC Consortium, by sending the corresponding form, the documents sent will be reviewed by the responsible areas and if everything is correct, the entity will be authorized to access the requested services within a maximum of 15 working days once the documentation sent has been validated.

Once you have received the confirmation communication of registration for the requested service, the enabled star icon will appear and you will be able to access that data.

In the event that we need additional information and a request for amendment must be made, the entity will be notified via the contact email provided in the request.

To make inquiries:

In the Service Letters you will find an explanation of the service and its modalities, with a description of the data to be reported and the result of the consultation.

To carry out the consultation to which you are authorized, you must access the Via Oberta section that you will find in EACAT.


Some of the Via Oberta services have certain query modes that can be carried out in batches. Manual batch query consists of loading a file prepared by the user and obtaining another response file asynchronously or deferred. That is, the answers will have to be retrieved from EACAT a few hours after the request has been made. In the service letters you will also find how to make these queries and what answers you will obtain.

To carry out a batch query you must access the Via Oberta drop-down menu.
