Authorize a user to access Via Oberta

1st The interoperability manager of the institution must access EACAT with a digital certificate:

2nd Then the person in charge must access "Configuration" and select the user to whom permissions must be granted.

3rd Once the user has been selected, the Via Oberta service will need to be searched to assign the roles. If the user already has any roles, just add the new roles, no need to search for the service.

4th Next it will be necessary to select the products to which the user must access (1) and select the "more" icon to assign it (2)

5th The system will then sign the operation

Any warning regarding the use of JAVA must be accepted. Then select the certificate with which to sign and indicate the PIN.

6th Permits will be assigned

7th Once the permissions have been assigned, if the authorized user was inside EACAT, he must close the application and log in again so that the new roles are correctly assigned.