Access through integration allows access to information without losing either the traceability of the operations or the electronic evidence that gives legal validity to the data and documents exchanged.

In this case, Via Oberta is presented as a neural point of information distribution within a SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) network architecture, homogenizing both security mechanisms and XML messaging and hiding the diversity and technical complexity associated with each of the issuers of information

Below we explain in detail the steps to follow to consume the service through integracón with web services:

Identify the associated Via Oberta procedures and service

Once you have identified a procedure for which you need to consult data held by another or other administrations, you can consult the catalog of available services to determine which Via Oberta services you should request. In the Via Oberta service of the AOC website (section "Request the service") you will find the Catalog of data and documents currently available . 

For each Via Oberta service, you have a service letter that explains in detail each type of inquiry, the information that can be obtained, how to carry out the inquiries and where you will find examples of use cases that may be of great use to you . 

You will find the different service letters in the Open Via Open Support Portal depending on the transferor of the data: 

Adherence to the Interoperability Framework Convention

In the case of local administrations and entities that depend on them , for access to the data consultation of the catalog of data and documents, it is necessary to adhere to the Interoperability Framework Agreement (CMI), or to have signed a collaboration agreement with the AOC Consortium.

Next, you will find the steps to adhere to the Interoperability Framework Agreement , which you must attach in its corresponding section within the application forms for Via Oberta services

In the case of a body of the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya , adherence to the aforementioned Convention is not necessary. The request for access to the data provided by the Via Oberta service of the AOC must be made through PICA, which manages the Innovation and Digital Administration Branch (SIAD). You must contact the SIAD through the email address

Request enrollment in the services of Via Oberta

Once you have identified the Via Oberta procedure and service to request according to the information in the first section, you must complete and submit the registration application found in EACAT/Catalog of procedures/Consortium AOC/AOC - Request for services/ Request for services Via Oberta. Once downloaded, you must check the "Integration through Web Services" option in the "Query type" section.

To fill out the request, you can use the step-by-step document to fill out the Via Oberta services request form . The most important points to consider in order to obtain data access authorization and not be required by data issuers are:  

  • Legal rule: With regard to the data requested through the PID, remember that at this time the publication, contribution or translation into Spanish is requested both the applicable regulations and the form where the consent is collected. It should also be borne in mind that the issuers' current policy is not to accept generic regulations that do not expressly establish the data to be consulted, therefore the specific rule that regulates the specific procedure where obtaining the the data or document that is intended to be consulted.  
  • Consent: This can be " No opposition ", " Yes " or " Law ", you can consult each case in the document with step-by-step instructions for filling out the form.  

In case you need to request several Via Oberta services for the same procedure, you only need to fill out a single form. Otherwise, you can send one for each procedure.  

Request enrollment in the services of Via Oberta -AEAT

Once you have identified the procedure and service of Via Oberta to request according to the information in the first section, you must fill in and send the registration request, but before that, in the case of the AEAT there is an indispensable requirement and is to have issued a mid-level electronic seal exclusively for use of the AOC services , you can check how to do it at how to request an Electronic Seal from the AOC.

If you have already applied the electronic stamp of the AOC and we have confirmed the download or you already had it on loan you can continue with the following steps:

  • STEP 1. You will need to download the replacement form for electronic certificates used for the use of web services for the supply of tax information to public administrations of the Tax Agency.
  • STEP 2. You will have to download the public key of the certificate of mid-level electronic stamp issued by the services of the AOC. It is necessary for the person in charge of your certification service to access the certification portal, specifically in the subscriber's folder , where they can also consult the serial number of the certificate.
  • STEP 3. Send both the form and the public key of the certificate and its serial number (the public key must be in encoded X509 format - extension .cer or .crt) through the Electronic headquarters of the AEAT , choosing one of the following forms depending on whether the information is required for tax or non-tax purposes (in both cases the option you must choose in the form is Presentation of authorization forms in standardized supplies ) :
  • STEP 4. Wait for confirmation from the AEAT by email indicating that the certificate has been authorized.
  • STEP 5. Submit the form which is in EACAT/Catalogue of procedures/Consortium AOC/AOC - Request for services/ Request for the AEAT Service Via Oberta. Once downloaded, you will have to mark the option " Integration through Web Services" in the "Question type" section. You can use the step-by-step document to fill in the application form for AEAT services.  
Request integration

There are two possible scenarios:

  • If you have not yet applied for registration , when filling out the application form you must mark the option "Integration through web services" :


  • If you already have registration , you can request integration by attaching the integration document (duly completed and digitally signed, in PDF format) to the integration support contact form . Once done, we will contact you to inform you of the next steps and we will require the information we need to be able to continue with the integration work.
Testing and configuration in the pre-production environment

Implementation of integration tests in the pre-production environment. Before moving to Production, you will have to fill in the Homologation Documents for the integrated services that you will find at:

Setting up the production environment. If you have completed the service registration process, you will be able to make production requests. Throughout this process you will continue to have the support of the Integration Support Service.

Integrated software
  • Meana Group
  • T-Systems
  • Indra
  • Stop
  • sum
  • SEMI
  • Textile
  • everis
  • Audiofilm
  • @peiron Software
  • united
  • Synerplus
  • CSC
  • Arctic Solutions